
From Novice to Salsa Star: A Week of Strictly-Style Training


A journalist undergoes intensive salsa dance training, experiencing the physical and mental challenges faced by Strictly Come Dancing contestants. The week-long journey culminates in a performance and newfound passion for dance.

Gaby Huddart, a journalist with no formal dance training, embarked on a week-long intensive salsa dancing course to experience the rigors of Strictly Come Dancing preparation. Partnered with professional dancer Dani K, a UK Salsa Champion, and guided by choreographer Sarah Rowe, Huddart aimed to create a television-worthy salsa routine in just five days.

The training began with warm-ups focusing on flexibility and body awareness. Huddart learned the basic salsa step pattern, which follows a six-beat rhythm. Partner work introduced the concept of leading and following, with emphasis on maintaining a light touch to facilitate smooth transitions and turns.

"If you can walk, you can dance salsa! It's simply about stepping from one foot to another."

Dani K, professional dancer

Physical challenges quickly emerged. Huddart's step counter revealed she had danced the equivalent of eight miles on the first day alone. Muscle soreness, particularly in the core and hips, became a constant companion. Blisters on her feet required emergency treatment.

The mental aspect of dance training proved equally demanding. Huddart found herself mentally rehearsing choreography during evenings and even while trying to sleep. This intense focus is crucial for developing muscle memory, essential for executing complex routines.

Diet and lifestyle adjustments were necessary to maintain energy levels. Sarah Rowe recommended a plant-based diet with minimal processed foods and healthy fats. Intermittent fasting was suggested to improve sleep quality and energy.

As training progressed, more advanced moves were introduced, including a lift for the routine's finale. Despite initial doubts, Huddart successfully executed the lift, demonstrating the trust built between dance partners.

The week culminated in a performance where Huddart donned a sparkly dress and received a full makeover, including a spray tan. Despite nerves, she completed the routine, experiencing the mix of excitement and pressure familiar to Strictly contestants.

Reflecting on the experience, Huddart noted significant physical changes, including a 5-pound weight loss. More importantly, she discovered a newfound passion for salsa dancing, planning to continue lessons with her husband.

The article concludes with a series of stretches and exercises beneficial for dancers, including ankle strengthening, core work, and flexibility training. These exercises, ranging from beginner to advanced levels, highlight the importance of overall fitness in dance performance.

This intensive week of dance training not only provided insight into the Strictly Come Dancing experience but also showcased the transformative power of dance, both physically and mentally.

James Langley



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