
Burglar Wins £5.5M Payout for Life-Changing Prison Stabbing Injuries


A convicted burglar has been awarded £5.5 million in compensation for severe injuries sustained during a prison stabbing. The Ministry of Justice admitted liability for the 2018 attack at HMP Chelmsford.

Steven Wilson, a 36-year-old convicted burglar, has been awarded a substantial £5.5 million compensation payout for life-altering injuries sustained during a violent incident at HMP Chelmsford over six years ago. The attack, which occurred in July 2018, left Wilson with severe physical trauma and lasting psychological effects.

The assailant, Patrick Chandler, a convicted murderer serving a life sentence, stabbed Wilson 16 times with a nine-inch knife in the prison canteen. The brutal assault resulted in Wilson suffering a torn liver, fractured spine, and lacerated spinal cord. These injuries have left him with chronic pain and mobility issues, requiring the use of a walking stick.

Wilson pursued legal action against the Ministry of Justice (MoJ), asserting that the department had failed to adequately assess Chandler's suitability for kitchen work, which provided access to potential weapons. The MoJ admitted liability for the attack, acknowledging Wilson's entitlement to compensation.

However, the MoJ contested the amount of compensation, citing Wilson's extensive 20-year criminal record and lack of legitimate employment history. Despite these arguments, Judge Melissa Clarke of the High Court ruled in Wilson's favor, awarding him nearly £5.5 million in damages and ordering the government to cover his £546,000 legal expenses.

The compensation takes into account Wilson's ongoing struggles, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), flashbacks, and nightmares. Wilson testified about the profound impact of the attack on his daily life, stating, "I went in there a perfectly fit young man and came out in a wheelchair." He also described developing a severe aversion to knives and kitchens, saying, "When I see knives I feel cold. You don't understand the chill I get when I see a knife."

At the time of the attack, Wilson was on remand for aggravated burglary, for which he later received a six-and-a-half-year sentence. His attacker, Chandler, was only 24 days into his life sentence for a murder committed in December 2017. Following the assault on Wilson, Chandler received an additional life sentence with a 10-year minimum term in November 2018.

This case highlights the complex issues surrounding prison safety and the responsibility of correctional facilities to protect inmates, regardless of their criminal history. It also underscores the potential long-term consequences of violent incidents within the prison system and the substantial costs associated with compensation for such events.

The significant payout in this case is unusual, as compensation for injuries sustained in prison rarely reaches such high amounts. However, it reflects the severity of Wilson's injuries and the lasting impact on his quality of life. The ruling also emphasizes the importance of thorough risk assessments in prisons, particularly when assigning inmates to roles that may provide access to potential weapons.

As the UK prison system continues to face challenges related to violence and safety, this case may prompt further scrutiny of policies and procedures aimed at preventing similar incidents in the future.


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